Lecturers’ perspectives on enhancing university graduates’ employability in Nigeria

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Florence Adeoti Yusuf
Ayoade Ejiwale Okanlawon
Valentine David Metu


This study investigated the lecturers’ perspectives on enhancing university graduates’ employability in Nigeria. Findings revealed that majority of the lecturers agreed that there is need for the undergraduates to acquire transferable skills and a broad-based experience. Also revealed that majority of the lecturers agreed that the undergraduates need to be exposed to internship and work experience irrespective of their field of study. In addition, majority of the lecturers agreed that guidance and counselling services should be vigorously pursued and revived in our institutions of learning. Based on the findings of this study, some recommendations were made; School authority should expose the undergraduates to internship and work experience scheme irrespective of their field of study. School authority should establish guidance and counselling unit to provide supportive service for the students especially on career-related issues. Government should improve the school environment by providing adequate infrastructural facilities, instructional materials that will enhance broad-based experience among the undergraduates.

Keywords: First keyword, second keyword, third keyword, forth keyword


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How to Cite
Adeoti Yusuf, F., Okanlawon, A. E., & Metu, V. D. (2018). Lecturers’ perspectives on enhancing university graduates’ employability in Nigeria. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 13(3), 400–407. https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v13i3.3471