The analysis of articles and thesis published on school-based management in Turkey

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Haci Huseyin Tasar


This research aims to generally analyse theses and articles written on school-based management in Turkey. The research is descriptive and has been conducted by means of document review. The data of the research have been obtained from nine articles, which were published by the database of ULAKBIM National, Social and Human Sciences, and from eight master’s theses in full texts which are recorded in the Thesis Data Centre of Council of Higher Education. The researched articles and theses have been subjected to content analysis in terms of the publication year, type of research, method of research, data collection tools, sample/study groups, sample size, data analysis techniques, type of university where the theses were written, the number of article writers and the number of sources used. It has been concluded that the articles and theses examined were mostly in the type of research-review, that the sample size was generally selected from teachers and administrators.

Keywords: School-based management, article, thesis, analysis, Turkey.


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How to Cite
Tasar, H. H. (2018). The analysis of articles and thesis published on school-based management in Turkey. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 13(3), 319–327.