Speech anxiety in guidance and psychological counselling department students

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Hatice Altunkaya


The objective of the present study is to reveal the effect of the activity-based oral presentation course on the speech anxiety of Guidance and Psychological Counselling Department students. In the quantitative study conducted with a single group pre-test–post-test model, the data were collected with ‘Speech Anxiety Scale for Pre-Service Teachers.’ Based on the analysis conducted on the sub-dimensions of the above-mentioned scale, it was determined that students’ post-test psychological state scores () were higher than pre-test psychological state scores (), post-test physiological symptoms scores () were higher than pre-test physiological symptoms scores (), post-test anxiety scores () were higher than pre-test anxiety scores () and post-test speech anxiety scores
() were higher than pre-test speech anxiety scores (). Based on this determination, several recommendations were made for the oral expression course.


Keywords: Oral expression, speech, speech anxiety, activity-based instruction.


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How to Cite
Altunkaya, H. (2018). Speech anxiety in guidance and psychological counselling department students. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 13(3), 328–339. https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v13i3.3764