Assessing the functioning of government schools as learning organizations

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Gasem Aail Alharbi


The present study examined teachers' perceptions of school leaders' practices towards employing the characteristics of Learning Organisations in public education schools. The research used a mixed-method research design, implying that the study conflated quantitative and qualitative data to achieve aims. Moreover, the study used simple random sampling to recruit the participants, enhancing the validity and reliability of the gathered data. Data was collected through a learning school questionnaire (LSQ) administered to two hundred and forty-seven school leaders and two hundred and twenty-one school teachers selected from the selected region's government schools. Findings showed the criticality of school leadership in enforcing and sustaining learning organisations. Also, some impediments to creating Learning Organisations were centralisation, the low level of administrative support in educational departments, and the ineffectiveness of organisational education training programs, which require financial, administrative, and training stimulation to develop schools. School actors can implement the recommendations included in this research to remodel their educational systems as Learning Organisations.


Keywords: Learning organisations, school leaders, teachers, learning school questionnaire


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How to Cite
Alharbi , G. A. . (2021). Assessing the functioning of government schools as learning organizations. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16(3), 1036–1051.