Evaluation of Reading materials for students in schools

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Alfian Rokhmansyah
Agus Nuryatin
Teguh Supriyanto
Nas Haryati Setyaningsih


This article aims to compare the content of reading material for students in Indonesia and other countries, for example, reading material containing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues. This objective is based on selecting reading material for learning in schools in Indonesia, which is undoubtedly different from that in other countries, for example, the United States. The choice of reading material is chosen by the teacher and is based on its suitability with students’ needs and characteristics. This article uses a comparative study with the literature method. Data are collected from documents in journals, proceedings, books, and articles on the internet related to the topics in this article. The data analysis technique was carried out using content analysis techniques. The collected data were then analysed and compared to determine what students in Indonesia and the United States read. The results show that in the United States, LGBT material has been incorporated into the school curriculum. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, LGBT material is quite challenging to include in the school curriculum because it is considered contrary to the prevailing norms in Indonesia regarding LGBT, even though it can support learning about tolerance.


Keywords: Reading material content, comparative study, LGBT issues.


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How to Cite
Rokhmansyah , A. ., Nuryatin , A. ., Supriyanto , T. ., & Setyaningsih , N. H. (2021). Evaluation of Reading materials for students in schools. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16(3), 1097–1105. https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v16i3.5828