Painting education of Kazakh mythology

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Baigutov Karim
Myrzakanov Madvakas Seksembaevich
Aiman Suyuberdieva
Gulzhan Maulenberdieva
Marzhan Kudaibergenova
Lyazzat Baybolat
Kymbat Ibrayeva


Various scientific studies, interpretations, analyses, and comparisons have revealed a strong link in the origin of Kazakh mythology in contemporary Kazakh society. The main problem in this lies in the fact that existing research on mythology has always centered in fields of literature, philosophy, religion and culture, and history.  Previous scholars have always overlooked the study of mythology in the field of art. It’s for this reason, that this research article centered on the mythology in the art of painting education and especially pictorial analysis of Kazakh mythology. In the article, the definition and history of Kazakh mythology are given and the studies of the researchers on mythology are mentioned. The painting educations made within the scope of the research article are inspired by the myth of "Er Tostik". The research conducted within the scope of a creative and scientific analysis shows that the works related to the formation of Kazakh mythology have an important place in the history of Kazakh painting education. Besides, important subjects of Kazakh mythology in Kazakh art history were determined and how they affected the works of the painters were examined and interpreted comparatively.


Keywords: Kazakh mythology, Kazakh painters, Er Tostik, art, painting, woodcut technique


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How to Cite
Karim, B. ., Seksembaevich, M. M., Suyuberdieva, A. ., Maulenberdieva, G. ., Kudaibergenova, M. ., Baybolat, L. ., & Ibrayeva, K. . (2021). Painting education of Kazakh mythology. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16(4), 1956–1975.