Adaptation of students to professional-oriented activities based on media technologies

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Akhmetova Aigul
Seiitkazy Perizat
Zhangazieva Tolkyn
Abilkhairova Zhanar
Аlikulova Sabira
Ashimbekova Bagdat


Media technologies make it simple for students to access accurate information wherever and whenever they want at a lower cost, however, many studies show that children do not see a difference between the real world and the fictional media world until they reach the age of 12. This study aims to determine primary school students' professional activity adaptation based on media technologies. The study was conducted in the spring term of 2020 - 2021, with 339 elementary school students voluntarily participating. The "Media technologies" questionnaire developed by the researchers was applied to primary school students. The questionnaire was developed and edited by experts in the field. Collected data were analyzed using an SPSS program. Frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values, One Way Anova, and T-test were applied to analyze the data obtained from the media technologies survey. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that elementary school students have high results in determining media technologies concepts.


Keywords: Media technologies, Distance Education, Primary School Students, Performance, Adaptation


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How to Cite
Aigul, A. . . ., Perizat , S. ., Tolkyn, Z. ., Zhanar, A. ., Sabira А. ., & Bagdat, A. . (2022). Adaptation of students to professional-oriented activities based on media technologies. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(1), 310–322.

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