The Leveraging local wisdom to enhance children's language development in elementary schools

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Ari Susandi
Mulyo Prabowo


Language skills are essential for children in processing both oral and written information. At the elementary school level, these skills are critical for shaping children's social communication and identity, influenced by cultural diversity. With the rise of information technology, teachers play a vital role in maximizing language development through effective strategies. This study explores how teachers at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Pendil Probolinggo implement contextual teaching and learning, incorporating local wisdom to enhance language skills. The research uses qualitative descriptive analysis, with interviews conducted with teachers at the school. The findings show that teachers engage students in learning both inside and outside the classroom, fostering effective verbal and written communication. The integration of local wisdom creates a learning experience rich in cultural value, promoting tolerance and broadening students’ perspectives. This approach significantly improves language skills by making learning more relevant and connected to real-world contexts. The study highlights the importance of contextual teaching strategies in developing children's language abilities and emphasizes the role of teachers in creating meaningful, immersive learning experiences.

Keywords: Elementary school children; language ability; language development ; local wisdom


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How to Cite
Susandi, A., Zamzani, & Prabowo, M. (2025). The Leveraging local wisdom to enhance children’s language development in elementary schools. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 20(1), 14–22.