Message from Editor in chief

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Ezgi Pelin Yildiz


Dear Reader,



   The New Year promises many exciting developments for the Global Journal of Computer Sciences: Theory and Research. As the number of citations per year continues in its robust rise viz-a-viz the increase in publication, it is evident that the new year could only be better. We would therefore like to thank all our authors, who have contributed to the success of our journal.

In reviewing our new issue, we see articles by different authors from different countries: Turkey and North Cyprus, etc. The spate of Multiculturalism in every new issue elates us. In this issue, we have examined few research areas that draw attention, including;Learning programming languages by using e-learning technology”.

Undoubtedly, the Covid 19 pandemic has affected our journal as well as all fields of study. We predict that the number of articles in our issues will increase after the pandemic period. We will continue to contribute to the literature within the scope of Educational Technologies with our strong team. Thanks to all the contributors in this issue.


Asistant Prof. Dr. Ezgi Pelin Yildiz , Kars Kafkas University, Department of Computer Technology





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How to Cite
Yildiz, E. P. (2021). Message from Editor in chief. Global Journal of Computer Sciences: Theory and Research, 11(2). Retrieved from