Message from the editor in Chief
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*Message from the editor in Chief
The year 2023 promises many exciting developments for the Global Journal of Computer Sciences: Theory and Research (GJCS). In addition, every year, the number of citations continues to rise strongly in proportion to the increase in the number of articles published. In this respect, first of all, we would like to thank all our authors who have contributed to the success of our journal. While reviewing our new issue, we saw articles from different authors from different countries: Turkey, Argentina, Albania, Algeria.
The multiculturalism policy followed in our globally-focused journal makes us happy with every new issue. We examine the following research areas in the current issue; “A data warehouse architecture proposal and ETL analysis:a case study of an Albanian banking system”, “Applying developed genetic algorithm operators to knapsack problems”, “Developing a new model for context awareness in ambient intelligence”, “Initial value problems: a didactic tool in evolution”, “Remote control of a serial manipulator using a depth camera” .
We will continue to contribute to literature within the scope of Computer Science with our strong team.
Thanks to all our authors the contributors to this issue.
Hope to see you in our new issue.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ezgi Pelin YILDIZ
Global Journal of Computer Sciences: Theory and Research (GJCS) CHEF EDITOR
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