School attachment and peer bullying as the predictors of early adolescents’ resilience
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The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship among resilience, school attachment, peer-bullying levels and the extent to which the variables of school attachment and peer bullying levels contribute to the prediction of resilience. The study was carried out with 355 secondary school students in Ankara, 195 (55%) of which were girls, 160 (45%) of which were boys. Resilience Scale for Early Adolescents, School Attachment Scale for Children and Adolescents, The Peer Bully-Victim Questionnaire- Adolescent Form were used in the study. Correlation Coefficient of Pearson Moments and Hierarchical Regression Analysis were used in the analysis of the data. As a consequence, it was determined that there is a positive relationship between resilience and school attachment but a negative relationship between resilience and peer bullying. Also, it was observed that the variables of school attachment, peer bullying significantly predict the resilience.
Keywords: Resilience, school attachment, peer bullying, early adolescent
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