
Prof. Dr. Tulay Bozkurt, Istanbul Ayvansaray University, Turkey

Excutive Editor

Melis Seray Özden, Istanbul Kultur University, Turkey

International Advisory Board

Kobus Maree, Pretoria University, South Africa

Atefeh Ferdosipour, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Pooja Bansal, Ram Lal Anand College, University of Delhi, India

Ruxandra Folostina, University of Bucharest, Bucharest

Rui Gomes, University of Minho, Portugal

Aldert Vrij, University of Portsmouth, UK

Andrew Day, Deakin University, Australia

Andy McKinlay, The University of Edinburgh, UK

Bea Van den Bergh, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Britt af Klinteberg, Stockholm University, Sweden

Chris McVittie, Queen Margaret University, Scotland

Conchi San Martín, University of Barcelona, Spain

Demet Erol Ongen, Akdeniz University, Turkey

Edwin Herazo, Human Behavioral Research Institute, Colombia

Giuseppe Riva, The Catholic University of Milan, Italy

Gonul Akcamete, Ankara University, Turkey

Ian Butler, University of Bath, UK

Ileana Rotaru, Eftimie Murgu University, Romania

Inge Petersen, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Ioan-Gheorghe ROTARU, Timotheus Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest, Romania

Ivandro Soares Monteiro, Instituto Superior da Maia, Portugal

Jesús De la Fuente, University of Almer­a, Spain

Joanne Dickson, University of Liverpool, UK

John Fraser, University of New England, UK

Juan José Igartua, University of Salamanca, Spain

Kavita Vedhara, University of Nottingham, UK

Kinga Morsanyi, University of Plymouth, UK

Kemal Sayar, Fatih University, Turkey

Mansour Abdi, Arak University, Iran

Marie .P. Wissing, North West University, South Africa

Marilyn Campbell, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Martin Voracek, University of Vienna, Austria

Monica T. G. Ramirez, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Nebi Sumer, Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Peter Mitchell, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Malaysia

Shree Prasad Devkota, Kathmandu University, Nepal

Stefanie Hoehl, University of Heidelberg, Germany

Stephen Goss, Univsity of Abertay Dundee, Scotland

Tim Lewis, University of Missouri, USA

Toon W. Taris, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Pratyusha Tummala-Narra, Michigan State University, USA

Wenche Andersen Helland, University of Bergen & Stord Hospital, Norway

Ehsan Namaziandost, Islamic Azad University, Iran

Sandra Constanza Ortega Ferreira, Universidad Ean, Colombia

Note: All members of international advisory board articles' indexed in SSCI.