Prediction of resiliency based on Family communication patterns and satisfying basic psychological needs
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he purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between family communication patterns and Resiliency with mediating role of satisfying basic psychological needs in high school students. Therefore, 379 participants (183 males and 196 females) were selected by multistage random cluster sampling among high school students in Dezful city. The research tools include: Basic need satisfaction in relationship (Deci & Ryan, 2000). Resilience Scale of Connor - Davidson (2003) and Revised Family Communication Patterns Questionnaire (Koerner and Fitzpatrick, 2002). The reliability and validity of the instruments were approved. To test the model, Path analysis was used that results indicated that among dimensions of family communication patterns, the dialogue dimension has a significant positive direct and indirect effect on resiliency through three psychological. In addition Conformity dimension had indirect effect on resiliency through satisfying needs for relatedness. In sum the results showed that basic need satisfaction had a mediating role in the relationship between family communication pattern and resiliency. The findings of this study are good evidences of direct and indirect impact of parents on children. Therefore, the families who were trying to have a dialogue with children, pay attention to their demands, this resulted in child resilience.
Keywords: Dialogue, need for relatedness, need for competence and resiliency.
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