The psychology behind Sialkot tragedy
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Objective: This paper analyzes the Sialkot tragedy which had happened in Sialkot, Pakistan in 2010 in which two innocent brothers were lynched in broad daylight and in front of hundreds of people including policemen, thus committing sin of violence, and cruelty. Method: Archival research was done to explore two important questions; what had led to the killing of those innocent boys and why didn’t anyone do anything to stop it? Result: Detailed analyses of the case revealed the following causal elements with significant role; conceptualization of self and that of the other, semantic framing and stereotypic labeling, psychological distancing, rationalization, obedience to authority, deindividuation, and evil as inaction. Conclusion: It is important to note that these factors need not be antecedently conditional or necessary for the prevalence of malignant behaviors but helps to understand their impact under negative circumstances.
Keywords: violence; cruelty; malignant behavior
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