Fractal Images – A New Way to Reduce Stress and To Improve Educational Workspaces

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Maria Raluca Simion



Stress is one of the most common side-effects of the educational process, especially in learning, teaching and evaluation. Without proper coping strategies, all those involved in education (pupils, teachers, parents, leaders) might experience burn-out syndrome, anxiety and avoiding behavior.

This article reflects on the significant positive effects of introducing fractals images in workspaces. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether fractals can reduce stress, increase openness to experience and raise tolerance to frustration and angst.

Fractals are computer generated shapes with the help of a mathematical formula that describes the complex look of geometrical natural things like clouds, trees, ferns, blood vessels, muscle tissues. Even the human brain has a fractal dimension. These shapes can be broken into an infinite number of pieces and still be self-similar with the whole, no matter what scale. Actually, fractals are the mathematics behind nature and behind all dynamic non-linear systems (human behavior, learning, weather and economics)

Scientist and human know that being exposed to natural environments can have an effect in reducing psychological and physiological stress. This raises the question if fractals are responsible for this and if they can offer the same benefits.

It is important to focus on the possible positive effects of fractals because they can be a useful, cheap and easy way to improve the educational workspaces in such a manner that can reduce stress and increase wellbeing without any effort.


Keywords: fractals; psychological stress; healthy education; education workspace; environmental stressors


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How to Cite
Raluca Simion, M. (2016). Fractal Images – A New Way to Reduce Stress and To Improve Educational Workspaces. Global Journal of Psychology Research: New Trends and Issues, 6(1), 20–30.


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