Does compassion mediate the relationship between attachment style and prosocial behaviour?

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Emma Lindsay
Ross Bernard Wilkinson


Prosocial behaviour refers to actions we take that are beneficial to others. Attachment styles range from secure to insecure, with insecure attachment being comprised of either an anxious or an avoidant style. The current research explores the mediating role of both self and other compassion in the relationship of attachment style and prosocial behaviour. Participants were 346 undergraduate psychology students who completed an online survey. Correlation and mediation analyses were conducted. Results revealed that there was no mediation effect of compassion for the self or others with any of the attachment styles and prosocial behaviour. Contrary to expectations, secure attachment was not associated with prosocial behaviour. Compassion for others was the strongest predictor of prosocial behaviour. Implications for clinical practice are discussed.

Keywords: Attachment; Compassion; Mediation; Prosocial


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How to Cite
Lindsay, E., & Wilkinson, R. B. (2024). Does compassion mediate the relationship between attachment style and prosocial behaviour?. Global Journal of Psychology Research: New Trends and Issues, 14(1), 13–25.