Estimation of Vocational Training School (IEK) students’ contentment in relation to quality of their studies

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Sofia D Anastasiadou
Xristina G. Fotiadoub
Lazaros Anastasiadisc


The current paper tries to capture the notion of service quality in post-secondary educational institutions. Determining students’ needs, expectations, satisfaction, contentment, and loyalty provides great service to the post-secondary educational institutions, while it puts forward the option to distinguish the strengths and weaknesses of these institutions and determine the areas that ought to be improved. Students’ contentment and satisfaction goes beyond teachers’ evaluation, which is a short sighted perspective, and includes wider concepts of students’ learning experience. In this context, knowing the degree of satisfaction is not enough. What is somewhat significant is to figure out the factors contributing to this satisfaction (BC College & Institute Student Outcomes, 2003). The current survey tries at revealing the causes leading to IEK students’ satisfaction or obstructing it. The study was carried out at IEK of West Macedonia, Greece and the research instrument used was SEVQUAL scale. It brings to light service quality dimensions using SEVQUAL scale in the framework of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Furthermore, Correspondence Factorial Analysis was used for data analysis. Results relating to students’ contentment and quality of studies were not encouraging. Finally, problems affecting the quality of studies came forward. The identification of these obstacles will be the basis for seeking for solution in the framework of continuous improvement in post-secondary education.


Keywords: expectations; satisfaction; contentment; loyalty provides


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How to Cite
Anastasiadou, S. D., Fotiadoub, X. G., & Anastasiadisc, L. (2017). Estimation of Vocational Training School (IEK) students’ contentment in relation to quality of their studies. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(6), 9–18.


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