An Investigation of the Relationship between MBTI Personality Types and Decision-Making Competence

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Margita Mesárošová
Jozef Bavoľar


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) belongs to the most widely used personality measures, but its associations with decision-making were rarely explicitly studied. Relationships between MBTI personality types and decision-making competencies were the object of interest in present study. 121 high school (age 15-16) and university students (age 19-25) completed MBTI test and Adult Decision-Making Competence to assess their personality and decision-making competence. Correlation analysis and analysis of variance were used to investigate the relationship between personality and decision-making competence. Correlation analysis revealed that only five of 48 relationships between eight personality dimensions on the one hand and six decision-making competencies on the other hand were significant. Similar results were found by the relationship between decision-making competencies and new variables created as the differences between two opposite dimensions. No differences in decision-making competencies were significant by the comparison of four basic MBTI types. MBTI personality types do not associate with decision-making styles. This result points out that good decision-making outcomes are not exclusive for certain personalities and can be achieved by various ways.

Keywords: decision-making competence; MBTI; university students


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How to Cite
MesároÅ¡ová, M., & Bavoľar, J. (2017). An Investigation of the Relationship between MBTI Personality Types and Decision-Making Competence. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(6), 51–56.
Author Biography

Margita Mesárošová, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, Moyzesova 9, Košice 040 01, Slovakia & Research Institute of ICT in Construction Sector, Garbiarska 5, Košice 040 01, Slovakia

Department of Psychology Faculty od Arts

Associate professor