Message from the Editor in chief

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Hüseyin Uzunboylu


Dear reader,

I am elated to have the opportunity once again to serve as the editor for the selected Papers of the 11th World Conference on Educational Technology Researches (WCETR-2021), which was an online virtual conference hosted on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2021, at the University of Kyrenia in Cyprus. I am pleased to inform you that this worldwide recognised conference, which has been running over the past decade maintained the standard this year too.

With a representation of researchers from various parts of the world, six papers were selected. The selected papers cover trending topics on educational technology, that is aimed to enlighten our readers on issues that need to be addressed by researchers in the field. The selected topics covered the following topics: Investigation of science teachers’ views towards online education; Programming design, education, innovation, exploration and practice based on students’ cognitive laws; Non-verbal communication and intercultural dialogue – An educative perspective; Analysis of the opinions of academists in the field on the applicability of distance education in preschool education; Analysis of academic studies on mobile technologies in the field of music education in Turkey; Impact of digitalisation of education on human capital development.

We would like to thank all the participants for this year’s conference, for sharing their research with the world. We would also like to specially thank the authors of the selected papers from the conference, who presented selected topics from Turkey, Romania, Kazakhstan and China.

Dear reader, thank you for making time to go through our conference papers. We hope to have your contribution in our next edition of this conference. Enjoy reading!!


Best Regards

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu

Editor in chief


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How to Cite
Uzunboylu, H. . (2021). Message from the Editor in chief . New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(2).

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