How did academic collaboration occur in research on STEM attitudes and careers?

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Ülke Balcı Yeşilkaya
İlker Yeşilkaya
Salih Çepni
Salih Tutun


This study aims to examine the co-authorship relationships established between researchers working on STEM career interests, STEM professions, and STEM attitudes by creating a social network. For this purpose, the articles scanned in the web of science index between 1983 and 2023 were filtered. After the filtering process, a total of 6371 articles constituted the sample of this research. In our study, the relationships established between 10989 authors, 237 universities, and 121 countries in the co-authorship network were visualized and existing connections were modeled. As a result of the collaborations between the authors in the network, prominent communities were found with the Louvain algorithm. Other network metrics such as weighted degree centrality, closeness degree centrality, and betweenness degree centrality were calculated and visualized using Gephi software. The findings obtained as a result of the analysis revealed the characteristic patterns of scientific collaborations in the social network, prominent authors in the field, universities, and countries.

Keywords: Social Network Analyses;  STEM Career; STEM Occupation; Stem Vocation.


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How to Cite
Yeşilkaya, Ülke B., Yeşilkaya, İlker, Çepni, S., & Tutun, S. (2023). How did academic collaboration occur in research on STEM attitudes and careers?. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(1), 40–48.