At what age does vocational tendency begin?

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Ülke Balcı Yeşilkaya
İlker Yeşilkaya
Salih Çepni
Salih Tutun


The growth period takes place between the ages of 4-14 and the concept of occupation in children begins to form in this period. Vocational choice is affected by students’ interests. This study aims to expand the age range of the short-sphere inventory by using supervised learning algorithms. In this research, the Short Sphere Inventory derived from Holland’s theory is used as the material. The age range of the inventory includes 8th-grade, high school, and university students. In this research, a machine learning-based analytical model has been developed that allows the age range of the Short Sphere Inventory to be expanded. As a result, the measurements were confirmed with high predictive success and the age range was expanded. The main conclusion to be made by the results of this research is that the Short Sphere Inventory can be applied in 8th grades, 5th, 6th and 7th grade.

Keywords: Age; Hollands theory; machine learning; vocational personality.


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How to Cite
Yeşilkaya, Ülke B., Yeşilkaya, İlker, Çepni, S., & Tutun, S. (2023). At what age does vocational tendency begin?. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(1), 62–71.