Professional teaching competence in preservice primary school teachers: Structure, criteria and levels

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Zhanara Zhumash
Aziya Zhumabaeva
Saniya Nurgaliyeva
Gulbanu Saduakas
Larisa Anatolevna Lebedeva
Saule Bazarbaevna Zhoraeva


Competency beliefs are beliefs about individuals’ ability to perform significantly regarding events that may affect their lives. People with higher levels of teaching competency beliefs do not escape from the experiences they have just encountered and have the determination to complete their actions successfully. Having general competencies of teachers and teacher candidates is of key importance in terms of creating more efficient and improving educational processes. Therefore, this study aimed to provide a systematic review on structure, criteria, and levels of professional teaching competence levels of preservice primary school teachers based on a comprehensive literature review. The study employs qualitative research methodology including document analysis and related content analysis. Various results were obtained from this study and the results were discussed with relevant literature and future implications are provided.  


Keywords: Professional, teaching competence, preservice, primary school teachers, education.


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How to Cite
Zhumash , Z. ., Zhumabaeva, A. ., Nurgaliyeva , S. ., Saduakas , G. ., Lebedeva , L. A. ., & Zhoraeva, S. B. . (2021). Professional teaching competence in preservice primary school teachers: Structure, criteria and levels. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 13(2), 261–271. (Original work published May 3, 2021)

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