Administrative governance and its relationship to educational and technical challenges for students with disabilities in the distance education system

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Asmaa Jumaha AlMahdawi
Azhar Shater
Saddam Rateb Darawsheh
Mohammad Abedrabbu Alkhawaldeh


This study aimed at exploring the administrative governance and its relationship to the educational and technical challenges of students with disabilities in the distance education system. The descriptive analytical methodology was used, where a questionnaire was designed as an instrument for collecting data from the study sample. The study was applied to a sample of (311) male and female teachers. The results showed that the application of the principles of administrative governance according to teachers' perception was very high with a mean score of (4,2462). The results also showed that the educational challenges in schools came to a medium degree and with a mean score of (2.6592), while the technical challenges came with a medium level with a mean score of (2.8071). The findings revealed that there is an inverse relationship between the degrees of the principles of administrative governance and the educational and technical difficulties, which means that the greater the application of the principles of administrative governance, the fewer educational and technical challenges.

Keywords: administrative governance, students with learning disabilities, distance education, educational and technical challenges.


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How to Cite
AlMahdawi, A. J., Shater, A., Darawsheh, S. R., & Alkhawaldeh, M. A. (2023). Administrative governance and its relationship to educational and technical challenges for students with disabilities in the distance education system. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 15(1), 112–124.