The effectiveness of online learning platforms in foreign language teaching

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Vitaly Pichugin
Alexey Panfilov
Elena Volkova


One way to teach foreign languages remotely is to exploit online learning platforms. The article investigates the effectiveness of online learning platforms in Foreign English language learning. The students from institutions of higher education were divided into two groups according to the online learning platform. The research finds that ATutor and Moodle platforms are effective in teaching English language remotely. The language competences have improved significantly. The study highlights the benefits of distance learning and advises universities on how to use that information to develop effective online learning programs that can later be implemented during crises. The study results can be used to organize the educational process with learning platforms.


Keywords: online platform; distance learning; English language; reading and listening; communicative competences


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How to Cite
Pichugin, V., Panfilov, A., & Volkova, E. (2022). The effectiveness of online learning platforms in foreign language teaching. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 14(5), 1357–1372.