Improving the quality of distance education of future teachers

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Larissa A. Semenova
Anastassiya I. Kazantseva
Gulmira A. Suleimenova
Bagzhanat D. Kairbekova
Klara K. Sadirbaeva


This study aimed to investigate aspects of face-to-face and distance learning and create a model of distance education for university teachers. For this, theoretical methods of comparison, analysis and symbiosis were used. As a result of the study, differences in the characteristics of various types of education and the possibilities of creating an effective programme of distance education for university teachers were revealed. A model has been developed for organising distance learning in higher education. This model can be applied to any university curricula. As a recommendation, the authors put forward several proposals for changing the grading system: adopt criteria-based assessment and, based on criteria-based assessment, carry out educational monitoring.

Keywords: online class, distance education, higher education, pandemic, quarantine.




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How to Cite
Semenova, L. A., Kazantseva, A. I. ., Suleimenova, G. A., Kairbekova, B. D., & Sadirbaeva, K. K. . (2023). Improving the quality of distance education of future teachers. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 15(1), 100–111.