Smartphone-based learning information management

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Rama Faiz Pangestu Rama
Niswi Mukarromah
Rauuf Anugrah Akbar
Hafiz Alpradisa


Information management skills are essential for students. This research aimed to identify and describe the understanding, experience, awareness, and meaning of Masters & Doctoral students in managing lecture material files. This qualitative descriptive research used a phenomenological approach. The research subjects were 10 Masters & Doctoral students. This research produced the following findings: students have understood personal information management as managing information and organizing data, and the student experience in managing learning information, including downloading, skimming, creating folders, naming files, backing up files, writing notes, and grouping files in private WhatsApp groups. The act of managing information is based on control from the outside, such as being influenced by friends when situations and circumstances are urgent or needed, and the quality of the smartphone, while control from the inside is only because they often forget. The critical meaning of implementing personal information management is that it is a matter of convenience and self-awareness. This research benefits the expansion and development of the educational technology area, especially the management area.

Keywords: Information management; instructional; learning; personal information management; smartphone


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How to Cite
Rama, R. F. P., Mukarromah, N. ., Akbar, R. A., & Alpradisa, H. . (2024). Smartphone-based learning information management. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 16(3), 201–214.