Foreign language listening anxiety among Turkish EFL learners

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Rabia Borekci
Fatih Yavuz


Among the skills, listening has a remarkable effect on learning a foreign language , and i t is a keys tone for communica tion.
Foreign language anxiety is an internal factor, whi ch has several effects on lea rners ’ performance during the lea rning process.
There are various types of FLA and lis tening anxiety is one of them. The aim of this resea rch is to identi fy the level of foreign
language listening anxiety among Turkish EFL lea rners ’ experience , and whether there is a signifi cant difference between the
school types and profi ciency level . This resea rch consists of 110 s tudents from two different types of high school in the
Turkish Na tional Educa tion Sys tem: voca ti onal and public. Students were chosen randoml y and the FLLA Scale was conducted; then the resul ts were anal ysed with SPSS. Accordi ng to the resul ts, all these students experience FLLA and
al though their academic proficiency level is qui te different, there is no di fference between the school types.

Keywords: Listeni ng, listening comprehension, FLA, FLLA.


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How to Cite
Borekci, R., & Yavuz, F. (2018). Foreign language listening anxiety among Turkish EFL learners. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 7(2), 86–90.