Watching English movies and proficiency development: Advanced learners’ perceptions and strategies

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Farhang Daneshfard
Elham Khosravian
Zahra Alimorad
Maryam Honarparvaran
Fatemeh Tabe Bordbar


Watching movies can help language learners improve their proficiency. However, important in this regard are what kinds of movies learners perceive as beneficial and how they benefit from watching movies. This study intended to discover advanced English learners’ perceptions and strategies regarding watching movies. To this aim, the researchers selected 34 advanced English learners in Iran. The participants completed a questionnaire and then the researchers interviewed them to find out their perceptions and strategies with regard to watching English movies. The findings suggested that the most favourite genres were comedy, documentary and animated movies, in the order given. Furthermore, the most common strategies used by the learners were writing down new vocabularies, reviewing them and using them in everyday situations. Moreover, advanced learners preferred to watch movies with English or no subtitles. The findings can aid English learners and teachers to become familiar with effective strategies regarding watching English movies.


Keywords: Advanced learners, English movies, learning strategies, learning perceptions, subtitles.


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How to Cite
Daneshfard, F., Khosravian, E., Alimorad, Z., Honarparvaran, M., & Tabe Bordbar, F. (2021). Watching English movies and proficiency development: Advanced learners’ perceptions and strategies. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 11(2), 109–123.