Teachers’ perceptions and concerns about implementing active learning in teaching EFL literature. A case study at Tlemcen University, Algeria

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Mohammed Kheladi


One of the major features of literature teaching in Algeria is the use of teacher-centred instructional approaches based on unidirectional lecturing and extended presentations. The paper examines teachers’ perceptions of and their concerns in implementing complex active learning strategies in their classrooms. The research is a case study conducted at the Department of English at Tlemcen University, Algeria. A qualitative approach was adopted in the analysis of the data collected through a structured interview held with three teachers. The findings revealed that despite the teachers’ recognition of the crucial role of active learning strategies in sustaining students’ engagement with the literature, they are still reluctant to introduce them into their teaching owing to a host of personal reasons and other background and contextual challenges. In response to this, the paper suggests the urgent reconsideration of the applied literature teaching methodology, stressing the role of teacher development to make active learning a successful approach in the classroom.


Keywords: Active learning, literature teaching, teachers ‘perceptions, traditional approaches, teacher development.


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How to Cite
Kheladi, M. (2021). Teachers’ perceptions and concerns about implementing active learning in teaching EFL literature. A case study at Tlemcen University, Algeria. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 11(3), 150–159. https://doi.org/10.18844/gjflt.v11i3.5815