Beliefs about language learning and context: A case study of Turkish EFL learners at a Northern Cyprus University

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Abbas Hadizadeh


Recently, the role of context as a determining force in shaping the beliefs and perceptions of language learners has been brought to the forefront in many studies. Although the language learning beliefs of Turkish students in the context of Turkey have been adequately investigated, lesser attention has been paid to the beliefs of Turkish students studying abroad. Thus, by adopting a mixed-method approach, the current study attempted to examine the learners’ beliefs of Turkish students in the context of Northern Cyprus. For this purpose, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected on a group of 56 Turkish-second language learners in the context under the study. The fındıngs indicated that Turkish students have varying beliefs toward language learning in the context under the study, which also varied from those of the Turkish students in the context of Turkey underscoring the dynamic, complex, and context-dependent nature of beliefs about language learning.

Keywords: Beliefs; context; language; language learners; perceptions.


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How to Cite
Hadizadeh, A. (2022). Beliefs about language learning and context: A case study of Turkish EFL learners at a Northern Cyprus University. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 12(2), 38–50.