Views of grandfathers about games played by today’s children and their childhood games

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Esra Demir


The play is an important area in developing sense and emotions which including volunteerism, revealed in freedom, supporting all developmental areas of the individual, discovering abilities, remodelling the social life The play is an basic need for individuals and exists in different ways in all of ages and developmental periods. So it's a curiosity point that which games have been played by two different generations, children and their grandfathers. The purpose of the study is to explore views of grandfathers about games played by today’s children and their childhood games. Research was conducted in phenomenology model as a qualitative research. In the context of snowball sampling, the interviews have made with 15 grandfathers who lives in street of Kale, Muş. The semi-structured interview technique was used to collect data which analysed by descriptive analysis technique. Research results show that games have become different when compared today and past. It is seen that prominent sense was to therness in grandfathers’ games and they were creating own toys with natural materials. Research finding that today’s children games are individual and inactive games, children prefer technology based games and don’t communicate with peers was observed by grandfather.

Keywords: Play, child, children games, traditional games, change of play in time


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How to Cite
Demir, E. (2017). Views of grandfathers about games played by today’s children and their childhood games. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 3(4), 167–173.


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