A quantitative analysis of student’s satisfaction

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Hayder Ghazi Karam Ali Alwattar


The goal of this study is to scale the level of students’ satisfaction by services provided by Girne American University located in the North Cyprus region, mainly focused on the education quality along with other services provided by the university. Quantitative research was conducted to measure the students’ satisfaction. A questionnaire sample was distributed to more than 50 students. However, only 50 usable samples were used in the study. The questionnaire was based mainly on four aspects:  general aspects of Girne American University, educational resources, instructors and advisors, and teaching methods. The analysis is made over the four main aspects stated above. Students' opinions about services provided by the university were somewhat convergent. Results showed that students are greatly satisfied with the quality level of education and not satisfied with the general services provided by Girne American University. The University may use the surveys’ outcomes to work on enhancing services that didn’t meet students’ expectations.


Keywords: Education; satisfaction; student; quality.


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How to Cite
Alwattar, H. G. K. A. (2022). A quantitative analysis of student’s satisfaction. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 9(1), 19–34. https://doi.org/10.18844/ijire.v9i1.7765