Tutor competence training and work commitment to learning quality of Paket C

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Rusmin Husain
Novianty Djafri


The Paket C program refers to the quality of learning as expected by the government and the community in Gorontalo Province. It has been established that competence training for tutors is beneficial in improving their skills in the learning implementation of the Paket C program. The present article intended to identify the correlation between tutor competence training and work commitment in high school equivalency programs, tutor competence training and learning quality of high school equivalency programs, work commitment and learning quality of high school equivalency programs,  tutor competence training and work commitment towards the learning quality of high school equivalent program. This descriptive quantitative study employed a causality design. Moreover, the intervening variable and path analysis method was applied to analyze the data. This study recommends improving the quality of learning to enhance further education and training, workshops/seminars, and academic activities to support practical activities and increase program tutors' work commitment.

Keywords: Competence; learning quality; tutor competence program; work commitment.


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How to Cite
Husain, R., & Djafri, N. (2023). Tutor competence training and work commitment to learning quality of Paket C. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 10(1), 46–64. https://doi.org/10.18844/ijire.v10i1.8979