Iranian Arabic teachers’ perception of applying educational software

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Mahin Hajizadeh
Sayad Panahi


Educational technology with its wide variety of usage has assisted teachers and learners to learn from the material which has been produced and reviewed by experts. However, the question may come to mind concerning the number of teachers applying such productions, how they perceive such productions, and if they use them, for what purpose they use them. This study was designed to investigate the Iranian Arabic teachers’ perception of applying educational software. To find the answer to these questions, the researchers have developed a survey and interview with 29 Arabic teachers in Ahar. The results from the interview and survey indicated that more than half of the teachers apply such productions for teaching grammar and pronunciation more than other skills and sections of the book. However, they also believe that not all parts of the available software are adequate for usage. Thus, the findings of the present study might be useful for Arabic language supervisor teachers and educational software designers, to improve the quality of the software and also to motivate the teachers to use them in their classrooms.  

Keywords: Arabic language; educational software; foreign language.


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How to Cite
Hajizadeh, M., & Panahi, S. (2023). Iranian Arabic teachers’ perception of applying educational software. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 10(1), 65–76.