The role of school administration in enhancing educational outcomes

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Obaid Sabayleh


This study examined the role of school administration in enhancing educational outcomes. A descriptive survey method was employed, utilizing a questionnaire administered to a randomly selected cluster sample of 226 participants. The findings indicate that respondents perceive school administration as having a moderate overall impact on improving educational outcomes. While school administrators were found to fulfill their functional roles at a high level, teachers rated their effectiveness as moderate. Among the various dimensions assessed, the administration’s role in technical and administrative tasks was the most prominent, receiving an average rating. Conversely, engagement with parents was identified as the least developed aspect. Based on these findings, several recommendations were proposed to support educational policymakers and school administrators in strengthening public education outcomes. The study underscores the need for enhanced administrative strategies, particularly in fostering stronger collaboration with parents, to further improve educational effectiveness.

Keywords: Educational outcomes; performance improvement; school administration; school principals


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How to Cite
Sabayleh, O. (2024). The role of school administration in enhancing educational outcomes. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 11(2), 111–121.