Using gamification through wordwall to enhance concentration in ADHD students at inclusive primary schools

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Adistyana Pitaloka Kusmawati
Asep Supena


This study investigates strategies to enhance the learning concentration of elementary school students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Subang City, West Java Province. ADHD students often face challenges in maintaining focus and processing learning materials, particularly in subjects that require sustained attention. Despite the increasing integration of inclusive education, effective methods to support ADHD students remain underexplored. This study examines the use of gamification as an alternative approach to improving learning concentration in inclusive primary schools. A qualitative descriptive research design was employed, involving in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and classroom observations. Participants included four teachers, four ADHD students, four parents, and one school principal. The findings indicate that gamification enhances ADHD students’ concentration through a structured process, including defining learning objectives, designing engaging scenarios, and fostering interactive group dynamics. The study’s implications suggest that gamification can serve as an effective instructional model for inclusive education, providing valuable insights for educators in similar contexts.

Keywords: ADHD; concentration; gamification; inclusive school; student


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How to Cite
Kusmawati, A. P., Fahrurrozi, & Supena, A. (2024). Using gamification through wordwall to enhance concentration in ADHD students at inclusive primary schools. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 11(2), 122–131.