The effect of led lighting design on visual arts Led

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LED is abbreviation of Light Emitting Diode in English. LED lighting applications become an essential part of lighting designs in which visual arts come to forefront. LED systems, which gain an important role with multicolor options in lighting applications, draw attention with its long-lasting, durable, and efficient features. Because of that, it provides opportunity to perform designer’s creative ideas easily in indoor and outdoor lighting. LED lighting applications can be seen in shopping malls, stores, hotels, plazas, and conference centers.
Moreover, LED systems are more preferred than standard lighting applications in such places like art galleries, museums, historical artifacts, etc. where visually stands out. Because LED lighting applications do not contain UV and IR light, they do not damage the objects in the lighting a field. Thus, they become an ideal solution for lighting designs that have visual richness. In this research, efficiencies of LEDs, which are used in indoor and outdoor lighting, compared to other lighting systems and effects on visual arts.


Keywords: LED, lighting, visual art, efficiency, electricity.


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How to Cite
KOYUNCU, S. (2017). The effect of led lighting design on visual arts Led . International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 4(2), 97–103.


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