Message from the Editor in Chief

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Deniz Ozcan


Dear reader,

It is our pleasure to announce the publication of Volume 11, Number 3 of the Contemporary Educational Researches Journal. This issue aims to present to our readers issues that are mostly neglected, but nevertheless have a significant influence on the content, context, and quality of education. Three papers were selected which truly reflect the aim of this research.

The selected papers include the following: “Development of vocational education in Nigeria: The impact of corruption”; “Social justice issues in education and management of student development in Nigeria”; “Media literacy at the county councils of experts in Croatia: The perspective of senior advisors for primary education”. 

This issue met its goal and was viewed as a success. We would like to thank all our contributors for their dedication to enhancing this journal. Dear reader, enjoy!!

Best regards,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Ozcan,

Editor in Chief


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How to Cite
Ozcan, D. (2021). Message from the Editor in Chief. Contemporary Educational Researches Journal, 11(3).