Degree of practicing authentic leadership among public school leaders from the teachers’ viewpoint

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Adel Al-Dhuwaihi
Hajar Almohaisin


This study aimed to determine the degree of practicing authentic leadership among public-school leaders from teachers’ viewpoint while also revealing whether statistically significant differences exist between the respondents’ means of the degree of authentic leadership practice due to number of years of service, specialization, and/or scholastic stage. A descriptive-analytical approach was adopted. The study population consisted of teachers. A stratified random sample of 351 female teachers was chosen. The questionnaire used consisted of four main axes that included the four authentic leadership elements: self-awareness, relational transparency, the internalized moral perspective, and balanced processing. The results indicated a high degree of the practice of the four dimensions of authentic leadership among the leaders as well as the presence of statistically significant differences between teachers’ mean responses about the degree of authentic leadership practice among the leaders of public-schools due to the number of years of service in favor of the teachers whose years of service ranged between 5 and 10 years as well as academic level in favor of intermediate school teachers. The researchers also offer several recommendations.


Keywords: Authentic leadership; school principals; practice leadership;


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How to Cite
Al-Dhuwaihi , A. ., & Almohaisin , H. . (2021). Degree of practicing authentic leadership among public school leaders from the teachers’ viewpoint. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16(3), 1175–1193.