Recruitment and selection of school leaders in Saudi Arabia

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Ahmed Eman
Adel Al-Dhuwaihi


The success of schools depends on effective recruitment and selection of school leaders. The present study sought to understand the processes of recruiting and selecting public school leaders in Saudi Arabia from their perspectives. Interview data were collected from 39 high school leaders in the Eastern province in Saudi Arabia. The results of the study indicated that the school leadership recruitment and selection processes in Saudi Arabia consist of few linear steps where the ministry engages in an effort to attract candidates from internal resources, followed by initial screening, and a formal interview to select the candidate from the pool. The analysis also revealed several challenges involved in the recruitment and selection processes of prospective candidates. Based on the findings of this study, schools are currently struggling to recruit qualified candidates that commensurate the mission and the needs of our schools. Therefore, we recommend providing appropriate budget, resources, and training to human resource staff to effectively communicate with prospective candidates, identify the type of candidates and design recruitment and selection strategy accordingly.


Keywords: Recruitment, selection, school leaders, human resources, Saudi Arabia.



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How to Cite
Eman, A., & Al-Dhuwaihi, A. . (2021). Recruitment and selection of school leaders in Saudi Arabia. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16(5), 2277–2291.