Parents’ training needs for intellectual disability learning about daily life activities

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Mumpuniarti Mumpuniarti
Ishartiwi Ishartiwi
Nur Azizah
Wening Prabawati


This study aims to explore the training needs of parents for the future of children with intellectual disabilities (ID). The survey research method is used in this study. The questionnaire was used as a guide for parents, and then every chosen programme required by the parents was mentioned in the interview. Data analysis was carried out by categorising parental training needs into four domains of daily activities. The respondents were eight parents who needed training on the programmes of daily activities in order to train their children with ID at home. The findings show that those parents have still not been able to express their rights to convey their needs. Likewise, when they are invited to arrange the structure of the workout schedule at home, they still respond passively. The conclusion is that schools should start to explore the needs of daily activities programmes and develop learning programmes with parents.


Keywords: Parents’ training, intellectual disability, learning.


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How to Cite
Mumpuniarti, M., Ishartiwi , I. ., Azizah , N. ., & Prabawati , W. . (2021). Parents’ training needs for intellectual disability learning about daily life activities. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16(4), 1616–1630.