Cultivating learning quality with E-training, principal leadership, teachers’ competences and mujahadah

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Ratna Prilianti
Joko Sutarto
Heri Yanto
Titi Prihatin


This study aimed to analyse the effects of e-training, madrasah principals’ leadership and teachers’ pedagogical competence on learning quality through teachers’ mujahadah using descriptive and path analysis with the help of Amos 24. The data were collected from 382 madrasah teachers who have participated in e-training in 2021 using a 4-point Likert scale questionnaire. The results showed that (1) teachers’ mujahadah affected learning quality; (2) teachers’ pedagogical competence affected teachers’ mujahadah; (3) e-training affected learning quality (4) madrasah principals’ leadership affected teachers’ mujahadah; (5) madrasah principals’ leadership affected e-training; (6) madrasah principals’ leadership affected teachers’ pedagogical competence; (7) e-training affected teachers’ mujahadah; and (8) e-training affected teachers’ pedagogical competence. In conclusion, improving the learning quality of madrasahs in Central Java is determined by teachers’ mujahadah, e-training, madrasah principals’ leadership and teachers’ pedagogical competence. Stakeholders are suggested to consecutively provide more courses and trainings to keep teachers voguish of any adjustments, innovations and modifications in education.

Keywords: Learning quality, e-training, mujahadah, pedagogical competence, principal leadership


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How to Cite
Prilianti, R., Sutarto, J., Yanto, H., & Prihatin, T. (2022). Cultivating learning quality with E-training, principal leadership, teachers’ competences and mujahadah . Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(10), 3682–3700.