A Discourse Analysis of Parents’ Attitudes Towards Their Children’s Gender in Turkey
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Children’s gender is a very sensitive issue intertwined with a myriad of psychophysiological and sociopolitical parameters. It plays an important role in determining women‟s status in the household and men’s status within the male community at large. In some societies, there is a stigma attached to female children. Giving birth to a baby girl or not having a son can lead to the feelings of shame , embarrassment, disillusionment and ignominy on the side of the parents , specially for the mothers who have to see having sons as the signs of  prestige, popularity and glory. Strangely enough, the male dominated society treats sonless fathers as impotent! This propels the fathers to point the finger of accusation at their wives, an act which is manifested in abuse or pejorative disparaging discourse and forcing the wives to bear more children under duress. This study has been an attempt to shed some light on the interplay between love, gender, discourse, emotions and identity. The whole process of the interrelation between love, gender and behavioral patterns is surrounded by prejudice, hegemonic patriarchal discourse and cultural beliefs and value systems. This study aimed  to analyze the situation in Turkish families to see the extent to which children’s genders are intermingled with the parents’ and communit’s love towards them.Â
Key words: Motherhood, Gender, Fatherhood, Love, Discourse, Patriarchal attitude, Identity, Preference for male children. Â
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