Student growth through goal setting

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Adel Tawfig Al-Bataineh
Lisa Brenwall
Kristi Stalter
Jessica York


This mixed methods research study explored how goal setting influences student growth in reading fluency, motivation and self-efficacy of second through fifth graders at school in central Illinois. Literature suggests that student goal setting can have a positive impact on the academic development of a student. In addition to academic achievement, research found goal setting to affect self-efficacy and motivation. A combination of qualitative and quantitative data collection methods was used to gather and evaluate students’ reading fluency scores. This data provided a starting point from which surveys were utilised to gain a more in-depth understanding between goal setting, self-efficacy and motivation. The results of the study indicate that interventions along with goal setting could increase reading achievement. The analysis supports the claim that goal setting can affect words read correctly, but not accuracy. The analysis also found that goal setting can influence student selfefficacy growth. These findings could provide classroom teachers with valuable information that would have an impact on student growth.

Keywords: Elementary education, goal setting, reading fluency, self-efficacy, student growth


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How to Cite
Al-Bataineh, A. T., Brenwall, L., Stalter, K., & York, J. (2019). Student growth through goal setting. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 11(4), 147–161.

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