Does work commitment and job satisfaction matter to junior high school teachers in the Philippines?

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Heidi Belle Francisco Caleja
Rebecca Fullero Averion


This study finds out the relationship between work performance and job satisfaction among teachers of junior high schools in
Philippines. They were well aware of the facts of their job satisfaction, e.g., school policies, supervision methods, pay and other benefits, relationships between faculty and students, further growth and promotions, workplace conditions, achievement and recognition, and responsibility and accountability. It was concluded that teachers’ job satisfaction could produce an effectiveness and sustainability in educational institutions. Using a descriptive method, a non-probability convenience sampling was employed for 70 public school teachers. Two existing validated questionnaires were used: the Three-Component Model Employee Commitment Survey, to surface the level of work commitment of teachers in an organisation; and Job Satisfaction Survey, to evaluate the teachers’ overall job satisfaction. Findings show a significant relationship between work commitment and job satisfaction, specifically in terms of position and educational level. In addition, teachers are satisfied with the people within the organisation; however, it also shows that teachers are not satisfied with too much paper work. It is recommended that teachers should consider the teaching job as a profession and as a vocation.

Keywords: High schools in Philippines, job satisfaction, descriptive method, work commitment.


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How to Cite
Caleja, H. B. F., & Averion, R. F. (2020). Does work commitment and job satisfaction matter to junior high school teachers in the Philippines?. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 12(4), 166–175.