Methodological issues of education monitoring and evaluation

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Naira Safaryan


This research explores the opportunities of monitoring education.  The research presents the monitoring as the general methodological basis of education management structure. The research also reveals the aspects of educational approach description or concept of the educational approach. The strategic analysis of an educational or training program is done. The function of monitoring as a necessary theoretical and methodological background to evaluation work is shown here. The research indicates the essence of evaluation as a main strategy of the training program. It showed the evaluation work as applied and strategic ways to examine the added -value and acknowledge the impact of educational or training methods. It shows the evaluation as a strategic analysis to inform practice and assess impact. The research also reveals the monitoring as a deeper level of analysis explores the added value of programs to inform future work and establishes a written record of practice.
 A separate supervising function of monitoring which practices addition and necessary theoretical and methodological background to evaluation work is shown here.


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How to Cite
Safaryan, N. (2020). Methodological issues of education monitoring and evaluation. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 12(4), 176–183.