Creative thinking skills in the Lebanese schools from secondary physics teachers’ perspectives

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Fouad Yehya


This paper examines the degree of enhancing creative thinking skills in the physics curriculum in Lebanese secondary schools from the physics teachers’ perspectives. It is realistic based study adopted the descriptive quantitative method to collect data by questioner from 141 Lebanese secondary physics teachers from different Lebanese districts. Furthermore, an open-ended interview with many physics teachers was used to triangulate the survey obtained data. Results of both descriptive and inferential statistics indicated that the degree of using creative thinking in the Lebanese secondary schools and curricula is low and insufficient. Moreover, the results showed no statistically significant differences in the level of physics teachers’ perceptions about the role of the Lebanese curriculum and secondary schools of enhancing creative thinking skills among physics teachers’ gender, qualification and years of experience. Physics teachers must improve their divergent methods of teaching. Furthermore, professional development for teachers and appropriate training for learners on different learning strategies and the integration of well-designed activities in the curricula are a must to improve learners’ creative thinking skills.

Keywords: Creative thinking skills, Lebanese physics curriculum, Lebanese secondary schools


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How to Cite
Yehya, F. (2020). Creative thinking skills in the Lebanese schools from secondary physics teachers’ perspectives. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 12(2), 115–130.