Parental and lecturers’ involvement towards students’ homework: A case study of engineering and non-engineering students at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya

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Welly Ardiansyah
Nurul Aryanti
Murwani Ujihanti
Achmad K. K. Leofaragusta


The purpose of the study was to focus on parents and lecturers’ involvement in the homework of students. The participants consisted of parents of engineering and non-engineering students in State Polytechnics of Sriwijaya and its teaching staff. The sample consisted of 150 parents of 95% high-income status and 24 certified lecturers. The research used a quantitative approach. Data were collected via surveys answered by parents and lecturers based on Likert scale items adapted from Reglin, Cameron, and Losike-Sedimo. The results showed that parental involvement towards students’ homework completion and partnerships between parents and lecturers were very low. Since educational gains of parental involvement are noted and confirm the significance of parents in educational processes, it is recommended that parents who do not assist their children in homework should be sensitised to do so.


Keywords: Parent involvement, homework, partnership.


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How to Cite
Ardiansyah, W., Aryanti, N., Ujihanti, M., & Leofaragusta, A. K. K. (2020). Parental and lecturers’ involvement towards students’ homework: A case study of engineering and non-engineering students at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya . International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 12(4), 189–201.