Allowing Schools Access to Affordable Computers. How Schools Can Benefit From Switching to Inexpensive, Cloud-Based Computing Technologies

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Zhanat Abdugulova



Nowadays schools own computer labs and laptop carts developed to be shared among a large quantity of students and this task requires buying desktop computers and other necessary inventory that create opportunities for them to achieve skills in basic computer programming, internet browsing, etc. Unfortunately, schools cannot afford expensive desktop computers, which require maintaining services and software updates and Chromebook become a real life solution for that issue, because it does not require any expensive maintaining operations and it uses Cloud- Based System for all data that students have.


Keywords: Cloud computing; Technology Education; Non-Cloud-Based Computer Systems; Cloud- Based Computer;


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How to Cite
Abdugulova, Z. (2017). Allowing Schools Access to Affordable Computers. How Schools Can Benefit From Switching to Inexpensive, Cloud-Based Computing Technologies. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 9(3), 326–331.



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