Effect of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) on students’ essay writing skills and their attitude toward e-learning

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Afsaneh Heydari Gujani
Ali Jahangard


Computer-supported Collaborative Learning has been the focus of investigation in the field of foreign language learning for many years. This study aimed to investigate the impact of learning through blogging on the students’ essay writing skill and attitude. A total of 96 students from a Technological university were assigned to the study and were divided into 2 groups of experimental (bloggers) and control (regular) groups. They were instructed in two different methods by using different teaching methodologies. The bloggers, the experimental group students, did not receive any direct teaching; in fact, they received the lessons through weblogs. The findings showed that blogging had a significantly better effect on the learners’ writing skill improvement than the regular class. Also, a semi-structured interview was conducted to investigate the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, actual use of web and the students' attitude toward blogging, whose results demonstrated that the students’ attitudes and feelings can be reshaped as a result of exposure to e-learning.

Keywords: Computer-supported, collaborative learning, blogging, e-learning, essay writing


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How to Cite
Heydari Gujani, A., & Jahangard, A. (2021). Effect of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) on students’ essay writing skills and their attitude toward e-learning. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 13(4), 241–259. https://doi.org/10.18844/ijlt.v13i4.5972
Author Biographies

Afsaneh Heydari Gujani, Sharif University of Technology,Azadi Ave., Tehran,Iran

MA in TEFL, Languages and Linguistics Center

Ali Jahangard, Sharif University of Technology,Azadi Ave., Tehran,Iran

PhD, Assistant Professor,

Languages and Linguistics Center,

Sharif University of Technology